Monday, June 18, 2012

Busy, but will return. I promise.

Lately, I have been in the process of packing my current residence to move to a new residence. This move will give me back a lot of time and resources so I will be out of the hobby loop for another week or two.

However I am able to fit in some fun and gaming. Thursday I went to see Prometheus which was an awesome movie and really want to see it again. This is a movie no science fiction fan should miss.

This week, Master Cheef and I will be playing another game of Battletech so expect a Battletech report to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your problems, I have been studying for a state certification test and all hobby efforts have taken a back burner. I have taken the test and hobby progress will resume shortly.

    Looking forward to the next battletech battle report.

