Battle Setup
Tech level
Two similar open field mapsheets on opposite sides of a large military base mapsheet.
Military Base Capture
Whether actual engagement or mock training exercise neither the Draconis Combine or the Taurian authorities have released any information. It is left to information originating from a local populace as to when this occurrence happened. Contact with this local populace has not been established.
Battletech Forces
Draconis Combine
Fire Lance
Archer ARC-5S 4/4
Awesome AWS-9Q 4/4
Mauler MAL-1R 4/4
Akuma AKU-1X 4/4
C3 Command Lance
Catapult CPLT-K5 4/4
Orion ONI-3M 4/4
Hatamoto-Chi HTM-28T 4/4
Atlas AS7-CM 4/4
Medium Lance
Hunchback HBK-6S 4/5
Cicada CDA-3G 4/5
Dervish DV-8D 4/5
Hoplite HOP-4B 4/5
Assault Lance
Victor VTR-9K 4/4
Awesome AWS-9M 4/4
Stalker STK-6M 4/4
Dragon DRG-7N 4/4
Conventional Armor Lance
Maxim AFV (Fire Support) 4/5
Scorpion Light Tank (SRM) 4/5
Scorpion Light Tank (LRM) 4/5
AC-2 Carrier 4/5
Conventional Infantry Company
Foot Platoon (LRM) - BBQ Squad!
Foot Platoon (LRM)
Foot Platoon (LRM)
Battle Report
Turn 1
Nothing major happened besides both attacking and defending forces moving at full speed towards the military base. The Draconis Combine units moved in there respective lances while the Taurian forces moved in three separate packages.
Turn 2
All units on both sides were still moving at full speed towards the military base. The Taurian Maxim arrived in the base first and deployed its famous infantry platoon affectionately known as BBQ Platoon.
BBQ Platoon deploys and promptly set up grilling operations. |
Turn 3
A lance worth of Taurian battlmechs had entered through the gate or jumped the outer ways into the military base while the Draconis Combine units only had two assault mechs make it to the gate.
Turn 4
Left front
All the Draconis units scaled or jumped the walls to enter the military base except the Atlas which walked right in through the gate. The Taurians began pushing units through the previously announced choke point gate. The Hunchback bypassed the recently spotted Draconis Mechs and speed off to support the rest of the Taurians approaching the other gate.
The Dragon's pilot had rushed towards the Draconis units scaling the walls hoping for some early damage dealing and got a GR shot off at the Archer shredding half its armor off its right arm. The dragon was also left alone to whatever the enemy could throw at him and throw at him they did. The dragon was the assaulted by waves of LRM missile fire, blazing by ER LL shots, searing by PPCs, and AC/2 shots chinking his armor. The Dragon was spared to the effects from the Akuma who had sights for destruction.
The Taurian units behind the Dragon returned what fire they could resulting in negligible damage, but the Hoplite's small LRMs managed to strike the Draconis Awesome's head armor.
The Taurian battlemechs used speed to breakup any line of sight from the nearby Draconis units. The Draconis Hatamoto-Chi pilot caught the Dervish with a single ER PPC shot to a leg. The Atlas also caught the Maxim damaging its center torso.
Turn 5
Left front
All the Draconis mechs stayed up on the birm to keep long range superiority. Having scared off the Dragon, the Akuma went further into the base to bring its deadly arsenal to bear against the approaching Stalker.
The Akuma missed everything to the Stalker except an LBX10 cluster while the being traded some LRMs. The Dragon sneakingly shot the Akuma with its AC/5 and and its GR. The Mauler shot the Stalker from above with a barrage of LRM, ER LL, and AC/2 firepower. The Draconis Awesome fired PPCs at the Stalker with one registering a head shot removing all the outer armor and leaving barely anything left to protect the pilot. The Taurian Awesome fired its ER PPCs at the Archer damaging its head as well in the same fashion. The Archer failed to add anything to the pool against the Stalker.
Right front
The Draconis unis skillfully moved towards the Taurian units having the Catapult act as a spotter for their C3 network. The Taurian units lead by the victor examined the situation and moved for the Catapult.
The Dervish opened up on the Catapult with some LRMs. The Catapult wanting to smash the Victor with raw MRM firepower missed to do so along with the Victor missing the chance to add to the Catapult pool. The Hunchback missed with its impressive LBX20 and only managed to strike the Catapult with an ER ML. The Orion with perfect C2 feedback made up for some of the Catapults loss by sending 21 MRMs and an LBX10 cluster shot to the Victor. The Victor was given a another beating from the Atlas's GR and LRMs ripping into the internal right arm armor and reducing the overall protection its right torso to a slim amount.
Infantry deploy from the Cell phone class dropship. |
Turn 6
Left front
The Stalker and the Awesome moved upon the Akuma while other units continued to move past the gate.
The Dragon now believed to be at a safe range fire its GR and MRM 10 at the Akuma removing the rest of the right arm armor and hitting the head. The Stalker in better range to the Akuma gave a powerful light show of ER laser firepower helping to reduce the Akuma tough outer armor. The Taurian Awesome fired its full ER PPC compliment at the Akuma which melted into the left leg internal armor. The Dracons Awesome fired at the Taurian Awesome to try and push it back from the Akuma's current dueling partner. The Cicada having abandoned the fighting on the right front got an ER LL shot into the Akuma's center torso. The SRM Scorpion scored a head hit on the Akuma, destroyed its ML, and damaged the right arm shoulder as well. The Hoplite missed the Akuma. The AC/2 Carrier damaged the Akuma's right arm upper arm actuator.
BBQ squad also destroyed a chemical vat in hopes to clear some of the terrain projecting into line of sight.
The Akuma Rages
The Akuma battlemech took a beating, but the mechwarrior kept his mech up he unloaded 10 SSRMs into the Stalker which is shrugged it off, but a follow up LBX10 cluster shot for good measure struck the Stalker's head twice destroying all the remaining internal head armour.
The Stalker was down Battlemech Destroyed!
All forces closed in upon each other.
The Dervish switched to using ER MLs against the Catapult. The Catapult switching targets to the Hunchback missed with its MRMs again while succeeding with two MPLs. The Hunchback fired its LBX20 with a loaded cluster shot and shredded all the remaining outer armor off the Catapult's left arm and right torso. The Orion changed targeting to the Hunchback as well releasing 30 MRMs and a LBX10 cluster shot. The resulting explosions and slug rounds tore into the left arm and right arm internal armor damaging the L arm actuator and damaging the R arm ER ML laser. The Victor split targeting between the Catapult and the Hatamoto. The Catapult suffered a ML which seared through the L arm armor damaging the MRM launcher thereby silencing half of the Catapult's MRM barrage power. The Hamato received a well placed GR shot to the center torso. The Hamato returned fire to the Victor with 12 SSRMs and some ERPPC and ER ML fire which destroyed the right arm, struck the engine, and damaged the battlemech's head armor twice. The Maxim sought to help against the Hamato by bombarding it with a hefty 15 LRMs. The Atlas took the opportunity to shoot the Maxim as its only target with another round of GR and LRM fire which remove all the remaining outer armor off the turret and damaging the air skirts and driving mechanisms.
Turn 7
Left front
Kill Steal
The Archer fired ER LL and LRM fire towards the Hopelite to discourage it from entering the frey.
The Cicada having previously entered the frey unannounced fire at the Archer for a quick kill. The Cicada's laser fire destroyed its right arm and seared away the last remaining amount head armor taking the Archer out of action. Battlemech Destroyed!
The Dragon now knowing the Akuma took out the Stalker and was going for the Awesome and probably the Dragon next. The Dragon fired everything it had available at the Akuma. The attack damaged the Akuma's left arm shoulder along with the left arm actuator and also scored a head hit.
The Mauler seeing the Dragon now in full view did as it did with the Akuma and released a torrent of weapons fire towards the Dragon. The Dragon took 24 LRMs and an ER LL resulting in two engine hits, but the following AC/2 firepower ripped into the right torso detonating the ammo causing an expplosion. The Dragon's pilot ejected. Battlemech Destroyed!
The SRM tank also joined the support and damaged the Akuma's head armor.
The Akuma once again having taken a beating had its sights upon the Awesome. The MRM30 missed while an LB10X A/C solid shot failed to show any power. The Awesome stood, but not against the Akuma's two SSRM launchers unleashing 10 SSRM missiles striking the Awesome's head twice destroying the remaining armor and taking the mech out of action. Battlemech Destroyed!
The Raging Akuma! |
Right front
The Hunchback's increased movement was rewarded with a generous helping of damage to the Catapult by its LBX20 cluster shot followed by SRM and ER ML fire. The attack removed all of the remaining armor on the Catapult's right torso. The Catapult in reponse sent 18 MRMs from its remaining launcher along with two MPLs back at the Hunchback. The damage destroyed the Hunchback's right torso.
The Hatamoto-Chi missed in helping out the Catapult, but managed another eg shot to the far away Dervish.
The Maxim aimed its LRMs to the occupied Hatamoto-Chi and damaged its gyro.
The Dervish followed suit to the Catapult missing with its LRMs, but a lone ML scored a hit which damaged the gyro.
It is unsure who had the kill, but at some point the Hunchback went down due to the overwhelming amount of short and medium range firepower. Battlemech Destroyed!
The Victor attacked the Orion from below only managing two lousy SRM hits. The Orion in response fired an astounding 40 MRMs with an LBX10 A/C cluster shot back to the Victor. The Victor's right arm was destroyed along with the engine being hit.
Turn 8
Left front
Both forces made minor position adjustments. The Cicada jumped far from the Akuma, while the SRM Scorpion moved towards the heavily wounded Akuma.
The Akuma turned its attention towards the SRM Scorpion and watched as it survived the same SSRM LBX10 cluster combo. The Scorpion did not come out fully unscathed as its drive and mechanic systems were damaged. The Scorpion returned fire and watched as its SRMs tore into the Akuma's ceter torso interior and damaged the gyro. The Scorpion's machine guns were also in range and they were hitting unprotected internal components and the Akuma's gyro was struck again. The Akuma dropped to the ground rumbling the ground before the Scorpion crew. The SRM Scorpion crew had ended the costly Akuma's rage. Battlemech Destroyed.
Throwing stones at a giant. |
The Awesome and the Hoplite briefly engaged weapons fire to little effect.
The Draconis Awesome gazes upon the Taurian Hoptlie. |
Right front
The Taurian mechs dispersed after the loss of the Hunchback and remained out of sight from the Draconis mechs while the lone Maxim provided fire support.
The Atlas and Hatamoto-Chi had a chance to end the exposed Maxim, but it was not so.
Turn 9
Left front
The Draconis mechs still held the high ground and stood fast. The Taurians kept their mechs fast or far while pushing their vehicles further into the base past and under the fallen giants.
The Hoplite fired upon the Awesome with no effect. The Awesome had switched its attention to the Cicada which was too fast and the newly emerged LRM carrier which took some drive damage.
The Cicada shot the Awesome in the back armor with laser fire, but was unable to do any major harm.
The slow AC/2 Carrier scored a trio of AC/2 hits to the Awesome's center torso causing internal damage resulting in an engine hit
The Mauler open fired again on the SRM Scorpion and after a hail of LRM, Laser, and AC/2 firepower the SRM Scorpion's entire right side was gone leaving the vehicle a smoking hulk. Vehicle Destroyed!
The Mapsheet had not yet deleted the fallen mech. |
Right front
The Taurain repeated their previous movement plan and stayed out of the sight on the Draconis Combine mechs. The Draconis mechs lead by the Atlas prepared to exit the now collapsed enemy right front and move towards the enemy left front. The Catapult and the Hatamoto-Chi both adjusted position to carefully move off the roof top. The Orion gave chase to the Dervish although combat with it was futile at the moment.
The Maxim fled the right front towards the buildings nearby for cover.
No combat was reported except the Atlas firing at the SRM Tank briefly.
Turn 10
Left front
The Mauler stayed on the high ground while the Awesome moved to the low ground. The Cicada abandoned the Awesome and moved behind the Mauler. The remaining Taurians adjusted position.
The Maxim fired some LRMs at the Awesome which was now on the ground and moving towards the Maxim's general direction. The Awesome returned fire which failed to hit the Maxim. The Cicada and LRM Scorpion both engaged the Mauler. The LRM Scorprion fired some LRMS and the Cicada fire some lasers. The Mauler standing and shrugging off everything thrown at it. The Mauler sent a mirror LRM package back to the LRM Scorpion damaging its motor and sent a mirror ER LL to the Cicada. The Hoplite fired at the Awesome and missed. The AC/2 Carrier's shot were good enough to strike the Awesome head armor.
Right front
The Catapult began dumping all of its remaining MRM ammunition.
The Atlas moved towards the left front while the Catapult and the Hatamoto-Chi moved off the rooftop safely. The Orion gave up chasing the Dervish on orders from the Atlas to join the others. The Dervish jumped the wall back into the right front.
The Dervish tried a surprise attack on the Hatamoto-Chi and missed. The Atlas attempted to return fire to the Dervish and missed as well. The Hatamto-Chi delivered a punishing ER PPC blast melting its center torso armor and hitting the engine.
Turn 11
Final Assault
Left front
Though exposed to the Atlas, the Maxim fired LRMs at the Awesome in an attempt to overwhelm the mech and bring it down. The Maxim's LRMs did not prove to be enough. The Hoplite fired LRMs at the Awesome with better effect. The LRMs causing explosions which tore apart the right arm lower arm actuator and damaged a double heat sink inside the arm. The Awesome returned three PPCs shots to the Hoplite and removed its right arm. The Hoplite began to sway and fell to the ground. The Hoplite's pilot was good enough to keep himself unharmed during the fall. BBQ Platoon having finished grilling operations made a precise LRM attack against the Awesome with multiple explosions damaging the same double heat sink along with strikes against the center torso causing internal gyro damage. The Mauler struck the AC/2 Carrier with AC/2 fire and damaged its drive systems. The Cicada as before shot the Mauler with ER laser fire and failed to do anything significant.
Right front
The Atlas moved further to the left to somewhat join up and support the Awesome closely followed by the Orion and slowly by the Catapult and Hatamoto-Chi.The Victor made a move for the vulnerable Catapult.
The Atlas, having moved well to the left to make a presence and threat joined the left front fight. The Atlas fired a GR at the AC/2 Carrier which had armor to survive the shot. The Atlas also fired its LRM and ER LL at the Maxim destroying the turret and destroyed the Maxim's armor altogether leaving it a smoking hulk. The Atlas had finally caught the Maxim.Vehicle Destroyed!
The Catapult was fast enough to get two MPLs which melted away the rest of the Victor's right torso. The Victor only managed a small amount of SRMs with enough luck to strike internal armor and not enough luck to cause serious harm. The Dervish fired laser at the rear armor of the Hatamoto-Chi and despite the melting the armor held.
The Hatamoto-Chi wanted the Victor down as a prize kill and unleased 12 SSRMs, twin ER MLs, and an ER PPC upon the Victor causing server damage to the center torso beyond what the armor could handle melting away to the internal structure and into the engine in two locations. The Victor shut down in place before the Draconis mech in the midst of a desperate final assault. Battlemech Destroyed!
End Game
Once the Hoplite fell, the pilot gather his thoughts and signaled any remaining Taurian forces for a status report. The Victor was down, all remaining vehicles heavily damaged or crippled and the remaining mechs were no match for the opposing mechs. The mechwarrior ordered a general retreat having lost the base.
Draconis Combine |
Not sure what is up with the Orion's sexy pose. Plus the Orion is missing the attached missile launcher I have been working on. I thought the Mauler would have been able to magically grow its arms as with the Hatamoto-Chi's cannons, but it was not so.
Taurian Foot platoons 1 and 2 never joined the reindeer games. |
Carnage Report
Draconis Combine
Fire Lance
Archer ARC-5S
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
R Arm destroyed
Battlemech Destroyed!
Awesome AWS-9Q
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Engine hit
R Arm lower arm actuator
Double heat sink
Gyro hit
Battlemech Critically Damaged
Mauler MAL-1R
Akuma AKU-1X
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Gyro hit
Gyro hit
ML destroyed
R. Arm shoulder damaged
R. Arm upper arm actuator damaged
R. Arm lower arm actuator damaged
R Arm hand actuator damaged
L Leg hip damaged
L Leg upper leg actuator damaged
L leg lower leg actuator damaged
Battlemech Destroyed!
C3 Command Lance
Catapult CPLT-K5
MRM 30 damaged
Gyro hit
Remaining MRM30 ammo dumped
Battlemech Critically Damaged
Orion ONI-3M
Hatamoto-Chi HTM-28T
Gyro hit
Battlemech Critically Damaged
Atlas AS7-CM 4/4
25% Battlemechs destroyed
0% Mechwarriors killed
Medium Lance
Hunchback HBK-6S
L Arm actuator damaged
ER ML destroyed
R Torso destroyed
Battlemech Destroyed!
Cicada CDA-3G
Dervish DV-8D
Engine hit
Hoplite HOP-4B
R Arm destroyed
Assault Lance
Victor VTR-9K
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
R Arm destroyed
Engine hit
R Torso destroyed
Engine hit
Engine hit
Battlemech Destroyed!
Awesome AWS-9M
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Battlemech Destroyed!
Stalker STK-6M
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Pilot damaged - Head hit
Battlemech Destroyed!
Dragon DRG-7N
Engine hit
Engine hit
Ammo explosion
Battlemech Destroyed!
Conventional Armor Lance
Maxim AFV (Fire Support)
Air skirt damaged
Drive system damaged
Turret destroyed
Armor destroyed
Vehicle Destroyed!
Scorpion Light Tank (SRM)
Drive system damaged
Drive system damaged
Motor damaged
Armor destroyed
Vehicle Destroyed!
Scorpion Light Tank (LRM)
Drive system damaged
Motor damaged
AC-2 Carrier
Drive system damaged
Conventional Infantry Company
Foot Platoon (LRM) - BBQ Platoon!
Foot Platoon (LRM)
Foot Platoon (LRM)
63% Battlemechs destroyed
0% Mechwarriors killed
50% Vehicles destroyed
0% Crew killed
0% Infantry destroyed
Collateral Damage
1 Chemical Storage Tank destroyed
Picture help to tell the tale better and everyone likes pictures.
I went with the initial idea of bringing two lances with different roles in mind and keeping them together and it worked well. My ranged units were kept back which kept them safe and gave them the most advantage.
The Mauler was an awesome mech to use and I agree keeping it back is the best position for its survival.
The C3 lance was amazing and gave the MRM launchers a chance to shine, sort of. I think my unit selection for it was good for the game, but it might not be the best.
The Akuma had to close the distance and was a heck of a mech to play. Despite fearing an ammo explosion it died from two gyro hits. The Akuma missed with a lot of MRMs. I later found out I could have used the 2X which remedies the ammo explosion issue and switches the MRM and SSRM loudout slightly. I like the Akuma very much and this game it was on a rage till it was brought down my MG fire, lol.
There were entirely way too many head kills and some awful "2" rolls critical hits. Having some insight into the floating critical, I would like to try the optional rule in the future to avoid these oddities. This would also limit lucky shots from smaller entities and prolong expectancy. I am not sure if there is hope for the head armor issue.
Masta Cheef is developing strategy. This game was entertaining as it went through various phases from movement to fire fights to blood bath to retreat to regroup and final assault. Both of his units were working together, except the Cicada which was acting as a lone wolf. The head hits caused his left front to collapse early in my opinion. The rest of the mechs were brought down from shear damage down to internal armor and not "2" critical rolls.
Considering the mapsheet military base, Cheef initially identified the main gates as choke points. Funny thing is the gate on his map edge became his own choke point sort of.
Using LRM indirect fire rules might improve choke point issues, but I don't think either of us want to have a sit and fire away boring game. We tend to like to bash each other apart.
The Hunchback as always had to be deprived of all its armor before going down for good. I think his few shot with the LBX20 might have been better served with a solid round, but he has more experience with the weapon. Honorable mention goes to the Victor and Maxim as they took some heavy hits as well. One day I will feel the damage. When he runs an AC variant I worry or fret to some degree.
I believe dumping the Catapult's MRM ammo saved it from the Victor final assault. The Victor was getting some rasher crap roles when the rolls were not to hard to achieve.
Considering my MRM usage, I either missed altogether or fire very few missiles, something Masta Cheef rolled with all game and did not fear one bit.
Scavenger hunt
Find the following items for 10 points each find.
1. Battletech 3rd Edition Box
2. Droid
3. Warhammer Fantasy miniatures box
4. File
5. GW Red range ruler
6. Cell Phone
7. Tissue box
8. Mountain dew
9. Hex Pack Lakes and Rivers
10. Glue
11. Calculator
12. Mechanical pencil eraser
1. What was for dinner?
2. Had the sun set past turn 7?
3. Which Taurian has a metal base?
Stay tuned for another exciting Battletech Battle Report coming soon.